Author: Jeff Broth, Contributor

Since the start of Covid-19, remote working has boomed across practically every industry that could facilitate it. And even though things are beginning to return to “normal,” both employers and workers seem hesitant to return to a full on-site workforce. In fact, according to a recent PwC poll, 83% of full-time employees who can work from home would choose to do so at least once per week after the pandemic, and 32% would want to work remotely full-time. After all, plenty of advantages come with having a remote workforce. For employers, there are lower overhead costs, the ability to…

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A mid-year cyber threat report reveals that there has been a dip in the number of ransomware attacks in 2022 so far. However, this is seen as a temporary relief. A significant part of this decrease is attributed to the changes in major ransomware-as-a-service groups like Conti and LockBit 2.0, and they are expected to bolster their attacks again in the very near future. To prepare for the ramped-up assault from ransomware perpetrators, enterprises, which happen to be top targets, need to be prepared. It is important to reevaluate existing protection and strengthen defenses. The following pointers should be useful.…

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Data has radically changed business, impacting almost every industry and bringing them data-driven insights, automated processes, and clarity within decision making. In fact, it’s been proved that adopting a data-driven mindset can boost productivity, increase profit, and even ensure cost reductions. But, considering that over half of all data collected by businesses ‘goes dark’, meaning it is lost or left unstructured, it’s clear that organizations aren’t yet doing enough to embrace these data-driven ways. In this article, we’ll be exploring the central tools and mindsets that your business needs to adapt to become fully data-driven. Let’s get right into it!…

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Debt consolidation is one of the best ways of reducing your interest payments to a single, affordable payment every month. It's also a great way to get organized and reduce your debt burden. There are many options you can choose to consolidate and get out of debt. You can roll your debt onto a lower interest credit card, seek the help of a professional and reduce your debt payments into a manageable monthly payment, or roll your high interest debt into a relatively lower interest loan. While all of these are great options, debt consolidation can go wrong as well.…

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At this point, it’s pretty much common knowledge that link building is one of the most critical factors affecting your overall SEO performance. If you can manage to acquire backlinks from high authority websites, it will signal to Google and the other search engines that your site is a quality resource, one that is worthy of citation. However, most digital marketers would agree that link building is one of the hardest tasks they face – and for a good reason. Scouring the internet for high-quality backlinks can be extremely time-consuming, and it’s not always guaranteed to deliver results. On top…

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It’s common to see screen time being vilified in mainstream media today, and some practices are toxic. Yet, there are so many ways tech can be used positively to boost people’s mental health. A screen itself has the potential for healthy or unhealthy use. This article focuses on how you can use it in the right way. Guidance surrounding tech use at the moment neglects people’s individual needs. While going out and socializing in person might benefit many people’s mental health, for introverts it could be a major source of stress. For these people, screen time could be a major…

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In a world where demands on workers are higher than ever, it can be hard to stay on top of your game each and every day. These days, employees are required to work longer hours, stare at screens for pretty much all of the day, and often get very little time to unwind and decompress from the stressors of their roles. According to The 2019 State of Employee Communication and Engagement study conducted by Dynamic Signal, a whopping 63% of US workers are ready to quit their jobs due to stress, which is a stark reminder of how unhappy a…

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Employees working from home have more freedom to choose their hours, as long as they get their work done, and the great WFH experiment has shown that they really are. That’s because productivity isn’t about the exact number of hours you work, but how smart you work and how much you achieve in that time. Everyone wants to achieve peak productivity, but it’s not something you can achieve on demand or force anyone into. To be productive, you have to want to work, be in an environment that enables quality work, and have the resources you need to do the…

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