Author: Jeff Broth, Contributor

Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission released some worrying stats – identity theft and imposter scams cost Americans a whopping $9 billion in 2022, which is 30% more than the year before! Out of all the different cons reported, identity theft was the most prevalent. These staggering figures highlight why identity verification is so critical, especially for small businesses who lack the resources of big corporations to absorb losses from fraud. Even a few undetected fake purchases can severely jeopardize a small company’s survival. Beyond financial impacts, identity-related data breaches also destroy customer trust – a heavy blow for…

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Secure Access Service Edge, often referred to as SASE, (reads like “sassy”), is designed to protect the businesses of today. Think of companies that have a remote workforce, need to keep sensitive data safe, are worried about persistent cyber threats, and scale with the help of complex cloud environments. SASE was designed for them. Let’s dive into how it protects users, remote employees, and sensitive data. What is SASE, anyway? SASE is an umbrella term for versatile united security solutions on the cloud. It combines the capabilities of: Data loss prevention (DLP)  Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA) Firewall as a Service…

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Investing in blue-chip art probably seems out of reach for most people. Let’s be honest – how many of us have millions just lying around to drop on a Monet or Picasso? But thanks to an innovative app called Masterworks, even less-experienced investors now have a way to add blue-chip art to their portfolios. Masterworks is changing the game by offering fractional ownership in iconic artworks. That means you can invest in shares of paintings by famous artists for as low as $20 per share. Suddenly, art is moving from an ultra-exclusive asset class only available to the ultra-wealthy into…

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Not a day seemingly goes by without news of some cybersecurity breach or data theft. In such times, the prospect of securing your data and preventing theft might seem impossible, given how sophisticated these attacks are. Cybersecurity is the solution of course, but it is a very broad field. Seemingly full of acronyms and highly technical topics, figuring out how to secure yourself is daunting. The good news is that personal cybersecurity is relatively simple to install. Follow these three cybersecurity principles and you’ll have no problems with attackers and other malicious exploits. 1. Use secure networks We’re online for…

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We are now facing the highest inflation rate in four decades after long months of fighting the pandemic and lockdowns around the world. The war in Ukraine is also a factor in the worse economic situation for people and companies. As small businesses have to deal with the highest prices of gas or electricity, can Futures contracts help them hedge against inflation? The problems of inflation  Without a doubt, almost all companies around the world are struggling with the high inflation rate. It’s the effect of the pandemic of Covid-19 when we bought less, so the companies reduced production. As…

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With over 1.5 million nonprofits in the US alone, the nonprofit space is becoming increasingly competitive. If your nonprofit organization isn’t able to communicate effectively with your donors, find volunteers to support you, and ensure donations keep coming in, you’ll quickly fall behind.  To help guide your success, we’ve collected four tips to help you optimize your organization, ranging from marketing strategies and operations tactics to in-depth advice. That being said, let’s dive in! Data-Driven Decision-Making Nonprofits are often established due to a personal attachment to a cause. While this early motivating factor is wonderful for a founder to exhibit,…

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Few games have attained worldwide popularity as Bingo has. First invented in 1929, the game has experienced several developments and iterations. For instance, the first version of Bingo required participants to complete a few simple patterns on their cards. Today, versions are more complex as the game continues to grow in popularity.  According to GeekInsider, one of the main reasons, broadly-speaking, that Bingo is becoming popular again is that the game is simply cultivating a wider audience. One Bingo site took demographics of the people playing their games and shared some very interesting findings. Whereas the average player some years ago…

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Despite the wave of digital transformation spreading through the retail sector, the supermarket shopping experience has largely remained the same. Shoppers visit physical stores, pick items by hand, and wait in checkout lines before exiting. While self-checkout does seem to be gaining in popularity, 67% of consumers say that these systems have malfunctioned on them in the past, suggesting that there are big opportunities for new types of innovation. In the wake of the pandemic, online grocery shopping and “buy online, pick up in-store” (BOPIS) models have certainly gained steam, but the majority of us still prefer purchasing groceries in…

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The value of people’s savings and investments is currently going down as a result of the very high levels of inflation across the globe. In the United States, annual inflation reached 8.3% over the last 12 months in August 2022, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Many investors, therefore, wonder if Gold can increase in value, as it is often considered as protection against inflation. After reaching an all-time high of more than $2,000 per ounce in March 2022, as a result of the war between Ukraine and Russia, Gold has been declining for the…

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In the past, marketers have been limited to more traditional methods such as print, television, and radio to reach their target audiences. However, with the advent of the internet, there are now a multitude of channels that marketers can utilize to interact and engage with customers from just about every corner of the globe. Whether it be through social media, PPC ads, or hosting a website, marketers are spoiled for choice. With that said, there is one aspect of digital marketing that is often overlooked, and that’s web accessibility. Unfortunately, most marketers are busy monitoring metrics such as conversion rates,…

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