Author: Kevin Don

Kevin Don is an internationally experienced fitness coach and educator. He has trained and worked with Olympians and World Champions in over ten sports. He’s taught more than 250 seminars on how to implement strength training into both sport-specific and general population scenarios and is often a source for online and print articles on functional fitness. He authored the coaches certification course in strength for the prestigious OPEX Fitness based in Scottsdale, Arizona and contributed to the Professional Youth Coaches Certification.

The allure of modern gurus and wellness myths I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve “debunked” something, and I hope to have earned your trust in this space. This past week, I came across some posts by a guy I know from Southern California, who used to own a CrossFit Gym and has now reinvented himself as a kind of guru or spiritual leader, complete with a long flowing sage-like beard. The claims he and his fellow gurus make on social media are concerning. The most worrying aspect is that there are over a million people following this…

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I want to talk about an important psychological aspect to fitness and its impact on outcomes. This will also hold true for anything you will do in your life that you are working towards in terms of reaching your fitness goals – or any goals. It’s important for business owners and educators. Literally everyone! It’s called trust. And the claim I am going to make is that low trust environments have low rates of investment.  What is trust? In a 1995 study (Meyers published their model of trust and how it impacts outcomes. Trust, when able to overcome risk…

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Is bone broth good for you, or is it just another wellness fad backed by flimsy evidence? On this week’s episode of the Get-Fit Guy podcast we delve into the details, unpacking the claims surrounding the intensely revered bone broth. For Coach Kevin’s full take on the bone broth matter, click on the player above or click this link to episode 670 of Get-Git Guy to listen to the full episode.  Understanding bone broth Bone broth, plainly speaking, is the product of boiling animal or fish bones for extensive periods. This is believed to extract vital nutrients from the bones…

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As I booted up my laptop to create the show this week, realized that this is the 666th episode of Get-Fit Guy. Out of curiosity, I searched for ‘the devil’s workout,’ and the foremost result was a workout from ‘Thor’ actor, Chris Hemsworth’s personal trainer. The workout seems devilish due to the numeric arrangement—6 exercises, 6 reps, and 6 rounds. What is the Devil’s Workout: A Breakdown The workout encompasses: Deadlift to overhead tricep extension Feet elevated TRX row Kettlebell reverse lunge with overhead press Ring chin ups Squat on a BOSU ball with resistance band flye Rotational med ball…

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The modus ponens of ‘10,000 steps a day’ I’m going to start with a modus ponens I made for you to illustrate today’s argument. A modus ponens being a way, in propositional logic, that we can infer an argument. It starts with premises and leads to a conclusion: 10,000 steps a day = good health? 10,000 steps a day is the right number for health. I walk 10,000 steps a day. Therefore, I am healthy. This kind of thinking prompts people to purchase wearable trackers and diligently pursue their 10,000 steps a day. But, for an argument to be valid,…

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Looking to get in shape in 2024? As we enter the new year, many folks are looking to get in shape. But first, let’s sidestep the clichĂ©d New Year’s resolutions and extend a warm Happy New Year to all our Get-Fitters. Thank you for your continued support throughout 2023; let’s keep the momentum going strong in 2024. Rather than delving into success strategies for a New Year, New You, let’s question the significance of arbitrary dates and focus on the power of making positive changes whenever you choose. A fitness adventure unveiled This week on the Get-Fit Guy podcast, I…

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How Can You Reach Your Fitness Goals? In a recent episode of the Get-Fit Guy podcast from February (you can also listen in the handy player below this paragraph as you read), we discussed strategies on how to stay motivated during challenging times. Today, we’ll explore the essence of motivation, unraveling its true meaning, and discovering the keys to keeping your brain and body fueled. How do you go to the gym when you’re not motivated? Coach Kevin Don shares his tips for keeping motivation high. Listen in the player below.  The Accountability Myth: Understanding True Motivation In the…

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Workout Gear and Supplies  A few weeks ago, I spoke about training shoes. What kind of shoes should you be wearing for each training purpose? I had a couple of emails and notes though about how expensive that would be. I don’t disagree, but if you spend any amount of time doom scrolling through social media comments, you’ll find this kind of thing. I’ll say it again: Get-Fit Guy is a 12-minute-long, general fitness podcast. I can’t possibly make a podcast that takes into account the personal financial situations, the foot types, the walking or running style, and preferences of…

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How to get in shape: know step 1 I wanted to take some time to objectively clarify what strength training is. Well, as much as possible, because I have recently been reflecting upon Descartes and the notion that we cannot be sure anything exists outside our own mind. So, therefore, objectivity may be impossible and subjectivity inevitable, since my mind is everything. Existential crises aside, it becomes apparent quite quickly when one takes a stroll down Google Avenue browsing for strength programs that strength could be anything from a 500 lb. deadlift to lifting a pint glass to your lips…

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This past week, I received an email from an avid listener asking me how to stop muscle cramps. As a curveball, she gets migraines, so she avoids sweeteners, fermented foods, and bananas and doesn’t take sugar, so she can’t have sports drinks. Did I have any advice about “natural” electrolytes? We can’t talk about how to stop muscle cramps unless we know what they are and what causes them. What causes muscle cramps? According to the dictionary, a cramp is a sudden, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles. I don’t think anyone who has had…

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