Author: Nanika Coor, Psy. D.
Dr. Nanika Coor is a New York-based clinical psychologist and respectful parenting therapist. She helps overwhelmed parents hear a kinder inner voice and experience more mutually-respectful interactions with their children. Find out more about her work at Got a question that you'd like Dr. Coor to answer on Project Parenthood? Leave her a message at (646) 926-3243 or send an email to
Do you ever feel like your conversations with your child are hitting a dead end? That no matter what you say, the message just isn’t getting through? Well – you’re not alone. In fact, there are twelve common communication roadblocks that can sabotage even the best intentions, leaving both you and your child feeling frustrated and unheard. In this article, I’ll give you a guide to understanding and avoiding these roadblocks, that will pave the way for open and honest communication with your child. Roadblocks: Silent Saboteurs of Communication Imagine yourself in a scenario where your child, seemingly out of…
One of the most internally agitating experiences is to see your child struggling in their social relationships. Maybe your kid is getting bossed around, or is the bossy kid! Or your kid complains that they feel hurt when they get excluded from a particular friend group or when they’re rejected by a kid they really want to be friends with. A friend decided to sit with other kids at lunch, leaving your child on their own. A kid who was close with your child last year has new friends now and now ignores your child at school. Today, I’m talking…
Parents often wonder about the best way to work with their kids on weight, dieting, and body image. What can you do when you’re worried about your child’s weight? How does a parent avoid passing down intergenerational patterns of body shaming? Parental concerns around weight Recently, a parent reached out to me about their concern for their daughter’s increasing body weight, along with their fear of passing on to her the unhealthy messages about weight they learned from their own parents. Here’s this parent’s email (edited for clarity): Dear Dr. Coor, I’m writing to you because I’m really concerned about…
What if not? Today, let’s talk about the challenges that come with co-parenting with a partner who isn’t on board (yet?) with respectful parenting. Stick around till the end to hear about what you can do in the heat of the moment when you notice your partner in conflict with your child. It’s a common story. You’ve read a dozen books, you follow countless peaceful and respectful parenting “influencers,” and you’re committed to raising your child from this mindful and intentional perspective. As you start to embrace a new way of parenting, you might encounter a lot of pushback from…
Parenting a Child With ADHD Many of us wonder how to parent a child with ADHD. Raising a kid with this disorder you probably see a lot of them struggling to follow rules, listen to instructions, remember, and delay gratification. But is it effective to punish kids for neurological deficits and/or delays over which they have no control? And what are we talking about when we use the term “punishment”? In my practice, I find that every parent seems to have their own definition! If you’re at the end of your rope trying to parent your ADHD child, keep reading.…
In a recent Black History Month mini-series on the Project Parenthood podcast, host Dr. Nanika Coor talks to Black mental health experts and discusses how to raise kids with a healthy racial identity and an interest in racial justice. Read on to see some highlights from each episode and listen to the audio with the included players. You’ll see 2023’s Black History Month theme “Black Resistance” prevail in each episode, illustrating the ways Black people have always been the driving force behind their own liberation. Expert guests help illuminate the challenges faced by Black and multi-racial families and explain how…
On this week’s podcast (listen with the player above!), I’m talking about some first steps you can take toward turning over a new and more connected parenting leaf. Listen to the end to hear about everyday ways to increase relational safety and connection with your kiddo. In western culture, the new year traditionally brings with it desires to commit to new habits, recommit to current habits, finally tie up loose ends or repair previous wrongs. New families coming into my practice at the beginning of a new year are often determined to make a positive change in their relationships, starting…
It’s that time of year again! My parent clients who gather with extended family during the winter holidays are starting to stress out. Folks are either traveling to holiday gatherings or they’re planning and hosting them. While there are some parents who are fondly looking forward to connecting with family members, others dread the less positive aspects of meeting up with far-flung family. How will your kids manage the different rules in other adults’ homes? What will you do about kiddie cousin conflict, when your sister and brother-in-law tend to use harsh shaming and punishments to “solve” squabbles? How will…
Often parents describe their frustrations with their child in terms of what they perceive to be their child’s purposeful non-compliance and annoying behavior. I’ve heard statements like: “She just doesn’t make good choices!” “He’s just trying to get attention.” “They just want their own way all the time!” “She acts out for no reason!” It’s understandable. When you’re repeatedly faced with kid behaviors that are anywhere from mildly challenging to very concerning, you can be so exhausted and frustrated that through the lens of your activated nervous system you mostly see negativity. It’s hard to consider any other explanation for…
Hey Project Parenthood listeners! I’m taking a week away from the podcast, but I’ll be back next week with a brand new episode. In the meantime, I wanted to share an episode of Savvy Psychologist, another fantastic show on the Quick and Dirty Tips network. If you don’t already listen to Savvy Psychologist, the start of a new year is the perfect time to start. Savvy Psychologist is your window into the world of psychology and how it can help you meet life’s challenges. Host Dr. Monica Johnson is a licensed psychologist ready to tackle any subject, from how trauma…