What are Good Business Travel Gadgets?
If you travel for business, you might want to bring these 6 handy travel gadgets along.
Aliza Sherman
What are Good Business Travel Gadgets?
Hi there, The Digital Marketer here, ready to help you put the power of the Internet and technology to work for your business.
I’ve been spending more time on the road lately and have discovered a few gadgets that really help increase my productivity and efficiency while trekking from coast to coast.
I tend to be a bit of a gadget girl when traveling and often wonder if I’m going to get stopped by airport security because of all the electronic devices and gizmos I carry. So far so good, and I’ve always made it through without a hitch. Why do I have so many gadgets? Because I want to be connected and productive while I’m on the road.
Here are a few things I’ve discovered to help me do just that.
Travel Gadgets
- A Battery Charger.
I don’t know how I didn’t know about chargers that run on batteries for mobile devices, especially cell phones, but it makes sense. While shopping for a solar charger—which I thought would be the right solution for those moments when my cell phone was out of juice but I was outdoors and away from outlets—I found a battery charger. Works on the same principle: You’re away from power outlets but need to power up your phone. Two double A batteries do the trick in the iGo PowerXtender charger I purchased, and you can buy a different charger tip for each device that needs charging. I bought the iPhone tip. You can get a smoking deal for a charger like this under $15 on Amazon.com. - A Solar Charger.
For the more environmentally conscious, a solar charger is a great addition to your charging tools. Manufacturers are making solar chargers smaller and smaller these days. A really portable one is a universal power charger and flashlight found on the Solarrific website for under $40. I’ve also been coveting a Juice Bag by Reware, which comes in a variety of colors and styles with flexible solar panels on the sides. - An Inverter.
My other recent purchase was an inverter so I can power my Macbook in my car or on a long flight when I can find a power outlet on a plane. The Cobra Microport is slim, sleek, and comes in a sexy black carrying case with both a car and a plane power outlet adapter. What more could you want from an inverter? This item will run you about $30. - A USB Multi Hub Device.
If you do get to a power outlet, I’m sure you’re faced with multiple gadgets to charge up including your laptop and cell phone, while still wanting to gain access to additional peripherals like jump drives. I received the Super Kid USB 4 Port Hub as a gift and love it. It looks like a little flexible doll—each arm and leg can accommodate a peripheral. It’s very lightweight and has the lightweight price of under $15 through Gadget4All.
Gadgets for International Travel
If international travel is on your agenda, the must have items are – of course —
A Universal Power Adapter
I purchased my universal international travel power plug adapter at the retail store Batteries Plus. But I’ve seen them on Amazon.com for under $10. Keep in mind that plug adapter does not mean power transformer and you could melt the inner workings of your devices if you plug into the wrong voltage.
Therefore, you should also get an ultra portable transformer or voltage converter.
When I used to live in Spain, we had enormous transformers so we could use our American-made electronics in Spanish power outlets. These days, voltage converters can fit in your hand– such as the 1600-Watt Foreign Travel AC Converter from Radio Shack, which converts 220/240 volts to 110/120 volt power and can handle up to the 1600 watts of your favorite hairdryer.
Bottom Line: Having the right gadgets can mean the difference between productivity and wasted time. If you like to get things done while you’re on the road, make sure you have the tools you need to do so.
Contact Me
That’s all we have time for today. Visit the show’s website at digitalmarketer.quickanddirtytips.com for links to all of the sites mentioned in the show. If you’d like to ask a question or request a topic for The Digital Marketer, email me at digitalmarketer@quickanddirtytips.com .
You can also book me, your humble podcaster, for your next event as a keynote speaker or lecturer on topics related to digital marketing and social media. Visit Macmillanspeakers.com/alizasherman for more information.
The Digital Marketer’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Building Your Business With Web Tools is part of the Quick and Dirty Tips network at quickanddirtytips.com. Tune in for another business boost from The Digital Marketer, the host who’s not afraid to go under the Internet’s hood & get a little dirty!
Reware Store – rewarestore
Solarrific – solarrific
Solar charger/flashlight on Solarrific – market solarrific
Gadget4all – gadget4all
super Kid USB Hub
iGo – igo
iGo PowerXtender Charger on Amazon – HYPERLINK amzn
Batteries Plus – batteriesplus
Cobra Microport – Cobra Microport
Universal international travel power plug adapter – Universal international travel power plug adapter
Radio Shack Voltage Converter – Radio Shack Voltage Converter